The NDCXL AGM will be held on March 19th at the John Godber Centre (see Event listing) and is open to all.
We’ll be covering a variety of standard topics including reports from various committee members etc, but this is also the opportunity for YOU to have an input into the running of the League. To make sure inputs are managed properly, we’d ask that (as per our rules) these are submitted two weeks in advance. That gives everyone until Saturday 5th March to get their proposals for rule changes etc sent in.
If you have any proposals please send them through to Rich at outlining what your proposal is, and the rationale for it.
The AGM will also be the opportunity for new people to get involved in the running of the League, as a few committee members volunteers have completed their sentences decided to take a step back.
The rolespositions we’re looking to fill are:
- Youth leagues results coordinator
- Senior leagues results coordinator
- Chairman
- Secretary
- PressPR (likely to include social media elements)
- Web
- Event Coordinator
If you’d like any more details about these roles drop Rich an email –
There may be some flexibility in terms of how these roles are divided up etc.
The roles are obviously volunteer positions, but you’re rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing that you’re a key part in ‘making it happen’ for one of the very best CX leagues in the UK. (You also get a cool email address too)