After a fantastic season opener at Hardwick Hall last weekend, this week the NDCXL makes its way to Alfreton Park, courtesy of organisers Belper BC.
The last couple of seasons have seen Alfreton featured on the same calendar weekend as a National Trophy race, but you can expect a tougher race this year without that clash!
As a course, Alfreton can be rather deceptive. What appears to be a relatively flat course on first inspection is revealed to be a subtle uphill gradient for the first half of the course, with a fast, grin-inducing second half as you come back down the slope. In between these, riders must negotiate rooty, wooded sections – mind those carbon wheels!
The weather forecast looks good for the weekend, so no excuse not to come out and race.
See you at Alfreton!
A few notes to help you with Saturday’s event
Pre-Entry Link – Live until midnight Tuesday
Please use the Wingfield Road entrance to the park – the nearest postcode is DE55 7AN.
Plenty of parking will be available in Alfreton Park, but please park considerately.
Men’s and Women’s heated changing rooms, hot showers and tea & cakes
Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.
Plenty of parking will be available in Alfreton Park, but please park considerately.
Men’s and Women’s heated changing rooms, hot showers and tea & cakes
Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.
Men’s and Women’s heated changing rooms, hot showers and tea & cakes
Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.
Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.
Each rider will be issued with disposable back and arm numbers.
Back numbers should be positioned on the lower back with FOUR safety pins, one at each corner. Arm numbers should be positioned on the upper left shoulder, with FOUR safety pins, one at each corner.
Although we have chip timing, this is not a 100% foolproof technology, especially when it’s wet and muddy. The judging lap team really need to be able to see your numbers as a back up to the electronic timing. If you want to guarantee you’re recorded as delivering the stunning ride you’ve put in, pin properly please!
Please dispose of your number carefully – carelessly discarded numbers may result in disqualification.