A few notes to help you with Sunday’s NDCXL event at Bakewell Showground promoted by Matlock CC.
Bakewell Showground is has a pay and display car park up to 2pm free thereafter:
Up to 1 hour £1.30
Up to 2 hours £2.20
Up to 4 hours £3.30
FREE after 2pm
Bakewell car park
The nearest postcode is DE45 1AW – the site itself is off the A6 just south of Bakewell signed for Town Centre parking.
- There is a pressure washer drop off, at the near end of the Showground (no parking thank you)
- There are public toilets by the footbridge, beyond the Agricultural Centre.
Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.
New for the 2014-15 season – each rider will be issued with disposable back and arm numbers. The (rider) numbers order of the races has changed, from U9 being 1-100, U12 101-200 etc up through the categories, to 1-100 for V40, 101-200 V50, and so on through the other categories – to try to make life easier for the manual recording team. Please dispose of your number carefully – carelessly discarded numbers may result in disqualification. BRING SAFETY PINS.
Entry costs
- There is a pressure washer drop off, at the near end of the Showground (no parking thank you)
- There are public toilets by the footbridge, beyond the Agricultural Centre.
Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.
New for the 2014-15 season – each rider will be issued with disposable back and arm numbers. The (rider) numbers order of the races has changed, from U9 being 1-100, U12 101-200 etc up through the categories, to 1-100 for V40, 101-200 V50, and so on through the other categories – to try to make life easier for the manual recording team. Please dispose of your number carefully – carelessly discarded numbers may result in disqualification. BRING SAFETY PINS.
Entry costs