Notes for Saturday 15th event – Holme Pierrepont

Nottingham Clarion CC Nottingham Clarion CC

A few notes to help you with Saturday’s NDCXL event at the Holme Pierrepont promoted by Nottingham Clarion CC:


The event is located the ‘starting’ end of the rowing lake. Access is via Adbolton Lane approximately 1km pass the main entrance to Holme Pierrepont. The nearest postcode is NG12 2LD.


Initial parking will be in the ski tow car park (500m walk to start). When this car park is full or if you have pit equipment you will be directed to park alongside the rowing lake. Please park fully on the grass to keep the road clear.


Please do not wash bikes in the lake.

Signing on

Signing on will be at the top of the bank near the car park.


There will be no water facility on site, so please bring your own supply.


Please bring your race licence, even if you pre-entered. If you cannot show your licence at signing on be prepared to buy a day licence.

Safety pins REMEMBER – Bring safety pins


New for the 2014-15 season – each rider will be issued with disposable back and arm numbers. The (rider) numbers order of the races has changed, from U9 being 1-100, U12 101-200 etc up through the categories, to 1-100 for V40, 101-200 V50, and so on through the other categories – to try to make life easier for the manual recording team.

Please dispose of your number carefully – carelessly discarded numbers may result in disqualification. BRING SAFETY PINS.

Entry costs

Age category

Entry fee

Under 9


Under 12






Junior Men & Junior Women
U23s, Men & Women


Note – If you are over 16 and do not have British Cycling membership (proof in the form of a licence will be required) you will need to pay £3 for day insurance.

Race times

Age category



Under 9


7 minutes

Under 12


15 minutes



25 minutes



50 minutes

Junior Men & Junior Women
U23s, Men & Women


50 minutes

Chip timing

Please remember to wear and return your chip!

Race in category

If you wish to accumulate League points through the 2014-15 season you need to do a couple of things:

  • Join the League, or be a member of a League affiliated club – details;
  • Ride in your correct Age category – Categories.
    • Handlebar bar ends NO bar ends

      Reminder – Handlebar ends

      The League does not permit bikes with bar ends in it’s races – details.

      Equipment pits

      The equipment pits will once again be divided into “manned” and “unmanned” areas – please use appropriately.

      Reminder – the pits are a potentially dangerous work area and must be treated as such.

      There is lots more information in the Riders – Useful information section.

      … and finally, have a good safe race!