Wednesday 16th March 2011 8:00pm – Engineer’s Club, Derby
Richard Shenton – Beeston CC
Peter Reilly – VC Long Eaton
Peter Turner – Derby Mercury RC
Dave Banks – Derby Mercury RC
Peter Lifford – Private Member
Karen Lifford – VC Nottingham
Dave Gretton – VC Nottingham
Gavin Hardwicke – Ashfield RC
Andrew Naylor – Ashfield Road Club
Graham Snodden – SRAM
Lee Shunburne – Matlock CC
Adrian Waters – Mercia CC
Steve Hand – Private Member
Fred Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
Ian Gascoigne – Team Empella
John Holmes – Team Empella
Mick Gascoigne – Matlock CC
Louise Kirkham – VC Long Eaton
Russell Cox – South Pennine RC
Simon Whitham – TS
Russ Wakefield – DVATC
Alan Day – DVATC
Heather Wimble – South Pennine RC
Robert Wimble – RT
Kyle Burleigh – Nottingham Clarion CC
J Griffin
Nick Bates – Belper BC
Julian Gould – RT
Harry Gould – Matlock CC
Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC
1. Apologies
Bob Wood Anderson, Steve Crapper, Ben Eedy and Michelle Gascoigne
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Held Wednesday 24th February 2010 were read and approved.
All matters arising resolved.
Proposed: John Holmes (JH), seconded: Russell Cox (RC) – Carried.
3. Chairman’s report
Julian Gould (JG) thanked all involved in the successful running of League during the 201011 season.
4. Treasurer’s report
Harry Gould (HG) issued draft copies of the season’s accounts. Accounts show a record number of levies received.
Approximately £3,ooo paid in prize money, medals and trophies costing around £525.
This will give a healthy sum to carry forward to the 201112 season.
5. Secretary’s report
League mailing list now regularly communicates with 100+ people. All agendas, minutes and correspondence now available on the website.
41,857 visits – excluding visits to the Message boards, 80,338 pages viewed
Page popularity – Front page 40,951, Results 20,742, Events 11,635, Rider useful info 1,084, History 870
Biggest day – Sunday 19 September 632 visitors, viewed 1,450 pages
6. Sponsorship
Signed agreement – funding secured.
We need to replace numbers and banners if possible. Two new E-Z Ups. Old
The meeting thanked Mick Gascoigne (MGa) for transporting race equipment to races.
Graham Snodden thanked the League and reported that SRAM is pleased with its involvement.
ACTION: RC to chase un-returned numbers which will still be useful as spares.
7. Election of committee
Committee re-elected en masse.
Proposed: RC, seconded: Ian Gascoigne (IG) – Carried.
Gavin Hardwicke elected as Senior League Co-ordinator.
Amend Various – from NDCXL meeting 23 February 2011 prepared by Ian Gascoigne –
Proposal to alter NDCXL rules to reflect under 9 events at each ndcxl round
The current Under 10 events are well promoted and supported, with numbers having risen significantly in the last 2 – 3 years in particular. The previous Under 12 only event was split as a result of rapidly expanding numbers leading to safety concerns. Similar safety concerns are now being raised regarding the current Under 10 events.
Analysis has been undertaken to establish how many 9 year olds would be affected by such a change. Over the course of the last 2 years, this has averaged approximately 10 riders. If these 10 riders were to be moved into the Unit 12 event, this would even the numbers between the two Under 12 events. It is also recognized that the spread of ability in the current Under 10 event is very wide, whereas, this is less prevalent in the Under 12 event. Thus, it is felt that the 9 year olds affected by such a decision would be capable of completing an Under 12 event in any case. It is also felt that the generally longer courses provided by event organizers for Under 12 events would be better able to cope with the slightly increased numbers, whereas the necessity for short courses for Under 10’s, makes large numbers very difficult to cope with.
Rule 5.2
The League events shall consist of a minimum of 5 events each season consisting of a League for Senior, Junior, Women and Veteran competitors and supporting Youth, Under 12 and Under 10 Leagues for competitors of these age groups.
The League events shall consist of a minimum of 5 events each season consisting of a League for Senior, Junior, Women and Veteran competitors and supporting Youth, Under 12 and Under 9 Leagues for competitors of these age groups.
Rule 5.5
U12U10s: £1 – for race organiser, to cover prizes and expenses.
U12U9s: £1 – for race organiser, to cover prizes and expenses.
Rule 5.6
Under 10’s 12:00 noon duration 7 minutes
Under 9’s 12:00 noon duration 7 minutes
Rule 5.8
Current League tables standings for Senior, Youth, U12 and U10s league shall be produced, after the first 2 events of the season, and published in time for counting event number 3 and updated and published prior to each subsequent event to the end of the season.
Current League tables standings for Senior, Youth, U12 and U9s league shall be produced, after the first 2 events of the season, and published in time for counting event number 3 and updated and published prior to each subsequent event to the end of the season.
Rule 6.2
The supporting Youth (excluding any ‘Go Ride competitors) Under 12 and Under 10 League competitions shall be based on points scored as follows: 50 points to the winner of each race, 49 to the second and so on down to one point for 50th place.
The supporting Youth (excluding any ‘Go Ride competitors) Under 12 and Under 9 League competitions shall be based on points scored as follows: 50 points to the winner of each race, 49 to the second and so on down to one point for 50th place.
Rule 8.3
Under 10 Years and Under 12 Years Leagues
Under 12 Years Boy Trophy to the highest placed under 12 year old boy
Under 12 Years Girl Trophy to the highest placed under 12 year girl
Under 12 Years Team Trophy to the highest placed 3 competitors from same team based on their total final league points.
Under 10 Years Boy Trophy to the highest placed under 10 year old boy,
Under 10 Years Girl Trophy to the highest placed under 10 year girl,
Under 10 Years Team Trophy to the highest placed 3 competitors from same team based on their total final league points.
Under 9 Years and Under 12 Years Leagues
Under 12 Years Boy Trophy to the highest placed under 12 year old boy
Under 12 Years Girl Trophy to the highest placed under 12 year girl
Under 12 Years Team Trophy to the highest placed 3 competitors from same team based on their total final league points.
Under 9 Years Boy Trophy to the highest placed under 9 year old boy,
Under 9 Years Girl Trophy to the highest placed under 9 year girl,
Under 9 Years Team Trophy to the highest placed 3 competitors from same team based on their total final league points.
Proposed: NDCXL Committee, seconded: RC – CARRIED
Amend 5.14 – from Mary Gill – to update amount in line with EMCCA guidelines
Event organisers shall pay £15 to each race official.