Race preview R5 – Bingham

After a few weeks away, the NDCXL league resumes on Saturday with its annual trip to the Eastern edge of the region for the race at Bingham, promoted by VC Nottingham.  The most famous feature at Bingham is ‘the bank’ which the organisers use to its fullest, but there are many other challenges and skills needed in high-speed cornering and kick-up climbs / drops.  One key factor is what happens with the weather – just a short shower can turn the grippy grass into a helter skelter which is great for the spectators but will influence race positions throughout the field.  One thing to note – in previous years sometimes the hedges have been cut in the days before the race leaving a few stray thorny twigs if riding off-line and so keep your eyes open if the hedges are looking like they have just had a haircut.


Just a note to mention that access to the parking and the site of the cross is via the Bus park entrance on Tythby Road Bingham not via the Leisure Centre.


Clubs with Gazebos need to contact the organiser (Dave Gretton <davegretton@hotmail.com>) ASAP, as space is at a premium and prior notification is needed in order to allocate slots.


See you there!