After many years of growth the league has finally become a victim of its own success; for the safety and enjoyment of all competitors as well as the preservation of our much loved venues, the committee has voted to introduce field size limits to all categories. As a league we have been growing year on year for a while so we decided to take this step now rather than wait until we see unmanageable and unsafe numbers and have to rush through reactive measures.
The field sizes have been set to ensure that a safe number of competitors are on the course at any one time. With current participation numbers we don’t envisage the cap affecting any riders from league registered clubs – the numbers should only see a reduction in the number of out of area riders that we can accommodate.
The agreed field sizes are as follows:
Under 9 | 60 |
Under 12 | 70 |
Under 14 Girls | 30 |
Under 14 Boys | 50 |
Under 16 Girls | 30 |
Under 16 Boys | 50 |
Vet 40 Men | 90 |
Vet 50 Men | 70 |
Junior Men | 20 |
Senior Men | 90 |
Women | 50 |
In order for these field sizes to be properly managed the Under 9 & Under 12 races will now be online entry only in line with all other categories.
To efficiently and correctly administer these field sizes and to ensure that league riders take entry precedent we have had to make some slight changes to the way everybody affiliates to the league.
The club registrations will remain the same as in previous years and the 2017-18 forms are now available on the League Membership page as usual.
In addition to the club affiliation we have also had to introduce an individual rider affiliation which you must complete in order to gain league points and take advantage of the advance entry for each event. Unfortunately, in order to set this up and run it via the British Cycling system we have to charge a minimum of £1 (+£1 BC admin fee). This is only payable once per rider per season.
The fee is only there because we can’t administer it through the system without charging a minimum fee, it’s not a money making exercise for the league. As such, any money we make from the individual affiliations will be ring
fenced and put back into the end of season awards rather than simply being “absorbed” into the league accounts.
When online entry for each round will opens there will be a 3 week period for affiliated league riders only on a first come first served basis. After this there will be a 1 week period in which the remaining places are open for anyone to enter, again on a first come first served basis.
As a league we’ve thought long and hard on when to introduce field size limits and how best to manage them and we believe this system is the best option in terms of fairness to the league riders and manageability of administration for the league volunteers. We hope you understand the need to do it and work with us to help the transition run smoothly.
In order for individuals to register with the league you need to make sure that your club has first affiliated with us, so get onto your club secretary and make sure they submit the above form and payment ASAP. Then you can access the league registration page on the BC website.
If you don’t register for individual league affiliation then you are still entitled to enter once the “open” entry period begins but you will not be eligible for league points.
If you are registering with the league as a Private Member then you do not need to complete the league affiliation form as in previous years – uou can now register directly through the BC system by selecting the Private Member option. The fee will remain the same as in previous years – you do not need to register separately as an individual league member.
Once your affiliation has been processed you will then be eligible for LEAGUE POINTS in your chosen category and PRIORITY ENTRY to each event.
Thanks and see you all in the mud!
Gavin Hardwicke
NDCXL Chairman