Rules rules rules…
Kit rules
We have had some messages filtering down from commissaires and results team about kit, clubs, and sign-ons. Please note that for U14 riders and upwards, your kit, club, and club you sign on for must match. You must race for your first claim club on your license, sign on for that club, and ride in the correct jersey. It is noted that some pre-entered races before a team change but please make sure that it all matches from now on. If you are not a member of a club you must ride in unbranded kit (I.e. you are not allowed to ride dressed up as your favourite pro). If you are new to cross (welcome!) then it really is worth joining a club and clubs would be pleased to talk to you at the next race.
Pit rules
As we enter Autumn here is a quick reminder about pits. Riders may only enter the pits to make a mechanical adjustment, change bike, or change wheel – it is a disqualification offence to just ride through the pits. This rule is there so that the pits does not become an alternative faster race line. Please do not leave bikes unattended in the ‘main’ area but on the racks. Jetwashing is only allowed in the wash area. Helpers must not cross the pit line unless their rider is approaching. Note that you are also not permitted to have food/drinks passed up to you, even in the pits (although you could have a bottle on a spare bike). There are more detailed pit rules available from British Cycling and UCI.