Minutes – SRAM NDCXL meeting 7 August 2014

NDCXL logoSRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League meeting

Thursday 7 August 2014 7:30pm at The Red Cow, Allestree




Lee Shunburne – Fossa RT

Karen Lifford – British Cycling

Mick Gascoyne – Matlock CC

Russell Cox – South Pennine RC

Richard Shenton – Beeston CC

Pete Turner – Derby Mercury

Cathryn Rowe – Team ZenithBuzz Cycles

Chris Rowe – Team ZenithBuzz Cycles

Fred Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC

Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC

Andy Naylor – Fossa RT

Sarah Naylor – Fossa RT

Gavin Hardwicke – Fossa RT

Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC




Neil Mansfield, Matt Crouch, Pete Reilly and Louise Kirkham.


Minutes of previous meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, agreed as a true and accurate record.

  • Proposer: Mac Lambert (ML); 2nd: Lee Shunburne (RS) – For 12, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED

      AN continues to discuss PR role and opportunities with Mel Berry.

      All other actions completed.

      Russell Cox (RC) requested that the phrase “as only recently provided” be removed from Chairman’s report – SRAM Agreement.


Chairman’s report

PR report – ongoing.


Administration of expenses for event volunteers – In light of HMRC guidelines the League needs to update it’s practices in respect of volunteers expenses. Need to record and pay specific mileage. Organiser to collect information on signed form and John Holmes (JH) to administer. Appendix G to be updated to read “The League will cover officials* travel and subsistence expenses.” * Official = Commissaires, time keeper, lap recorders.

ACTION: Mary Gill (MG) to update Appendix G. Committee to work on details of amounts.


Organisers meeting – Booked for Saturday 6th September 2014 from 9 to 11:30am. To introduce new organisers, distribute tape, discuss rules, etc. Venue tbc.

ACTION: LS to continue organisation.


Race numbers – RC informed the meeting that the existing number sets would be OK for the coming season with some showing signs of wear. Andrew Naylor (AN) proposed to the meeting that disposable numbers were affordable and at £3,200 for 800 back and arm numbers for each League race.

  • Proposer: MG; 2nd: Gavin Hardwicke (GH) – For 11, Against 0, Abstained 1 – CARRIED
ACTION: AN to purchase.


Secretary’s report


MG received request from David Jack to attend events with stall. Meeting agreed.

ACTION: MG to contact David.


MG requested confirmation of which events requireallow League caterers. LS confirmed

ACTION: MG to contact Munchyz.


MG requested confirmation of League membership methods. Meeting agreed to allow online joining via TicketSource system.

ACTION: MG to set up Online League membership.

Treasurer’s report

Sarah Naylor informed the meeting of a possible venue for 201415 Prize presentation evening. John Godber Centre, Hucknall – reasonable costs – room hire £130, kitchen £50, buffett £6head with ample parking. Meeting agreed to book for 27th February.

ACTION: SN to book and continue investigating catering options.



AN informed the meeting that the League will again bulk purchase tape therefore each organiser will receive 6 rolls SRAM tape and 4 League rolls.

Karen Lifford (KL) informed the meeting that British Cycling will run an Assistant Commissaire course on 7th September.

ACTION: MG to publicise.

League equipment list requested

ACTION: AN to contact Mick Gascoigne (MGa) to review and write up.

MGa requested assistance in the removal of League equipment from site – tents, banners etc.

ACTION: LS and AN to raise at Organisers meeting.

John Holmes sent word that more commissaires are needed.

Next meeting:

4th September 2014



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  1. Agenda – SRAM NDCXL meeting 4 September 2014 | SRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League

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