Minutes – SRAM NDCXL meeting 6 February 2014

NDCXL logoSRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League meeting

Thursday 6 February 2014 7:30pm at The Red Cow, Allestree




Andy Naylor – Fossa RTSarah Naylor – Fossa RT

Gavin Hardwicke – Fossa RT

Steve Hand – Derby Mercury RC

Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC

Heather Wimbe – South Pennine RC

Chris Willett – Judging Team

Mick Gascoyne – Matlock CC

Graham Snodden – SRAM

Karen Lifford – British Cycling

Lee Shunburne – Fossa RT

Andrew Prince – VC Long Eaton

Robert Howden – Beeston CC

Richard Shenton – Beeston CC

Cathryn Rowe – Team ZenithBuzz Cycles

Chris Rowe – Team ZenithBuzz Cycles

John Holmes – Team EmpellaCyclo-Cross.Com

Russell Cox – South Pennine RC

Fred Lambert (Mac Snr) – Heanor Clarion CC

Neil Mansfield – Nottingham Clarion CC

Steve Crapper – Bolsover & District CC

Alan Maddocks – Bolsover & District CC

Hilary Johnson – Team EmpellaCyclo-Cross.Com

Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC




Martin Stocks and Matt Crouch.


Minutes of previous meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, agreed as a true and accurate record.

  • Proposer: Mac Lambert (ML); 2nd: Richard Shenton (RS) – For 22, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED

      Andy Naylor (AN) reported that following the Sherwood Pines incident British Cycling have sent warning letters to riders involved. No further action to be taken.

      AN continues to discuss PR role and opportunities with Mel Berry.

      All other actions completed.

      Lee Shunburne (LS) asked that point 6 – Race review: Round 11Midland Champs be expanded:
      The event provoked negative and difficult responses in the areas of gridding – where the BC information was inaccurate. Also, misunderstandings and complaints arose where a small number of Youth riders were prevented from embarking on a final lap that would have resulted in riders far exceeding max race durations. Apologies received from riders or families involved. Further difficulties arose around medals, presentations and recognised categories – the League and organiser have issued apologies where appropriate.


Chairman’s report

PR report – as above.

AGM date agreed as 15th March (venue permitting) giving a deadline for proposals of 1st2nd March.

ACTION: Mary Gill (MG) to confirm venue and issue notices.

SRAM Agreement – SRAM are keen to support the League for a further 3 year period and work is well under way on the new agreement, including suggestions for marshalls bibs, cash prizes, replacement numbers, tape, tents and planks branding.Graham Snodden (GS) confirmed SRAM keen, likely to increase annual financial input, provide a new tent (requesting that great care be taken over pegging out tents), doubling tape allowance, branding for the planks. However, new numbers unavailable as only recently provided. He also stressed the need for League events to look “really professional”.SRAM are considering running a demo day at the Sherwood Pines round in conjunction with the Sherwood Pines Cycles SRAM RT.

Summer cross – Both Bolsover & District CC and Heanor Clarion CC have expressed interest. The League did not feel it could fully back a “summer league” as it wouldn’t’ meet standards with chip timing, first aid, etc but would allow the use of it’s website and social media presence for publicity under a non-NDCXL banner. Would also be able to offer guidance. Russell Cox offered the lap board, bell and watches.


Secretary’s report

MG requested that a date be set to allow people unable to attend the Prize Presentation night to receive their trophies – pre-AGM agreed.

ACTION: MG to publicise.

Chris Willett (CW) informed the meeting that parking on site at the Prize Presentation venue is limited and request the League publicise.

ACTION: MG to e-mail out and publicise.

Treasurer’s report

Accounts distributed showing a balance of £5.5k.

  • Proposer: LS;  2nd: John Holmes (JH) – For 22, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED
There are still some incoming event levies outstanding and levies to be paid to the EMCCA. Also, £2k allocated to be spent on trophies.

For the Prize Presentation no League cash prizes to be given and more perpetual trophies to be given.

The U9sU12s to receive plaques and medals.

All broken trophies have been disposed of and are being replaced.

JH, AN’s parents and AN are donating trophies.

Extra glass trophies will go to first three riders in all categories – no allocation by BC rules.


Race reviews:

Round 14 – Ashfield RCFossa RT – Chetwynd Barracks – 18th January – Good event and course, U9U12 lap far too short. Uneventful for commissaires.

Round 15 – Beeston CCBeeston RC, TFNVC Long Eaton – Broxtowe Country Park – 25th January – Good event. Course modified between Veteran and Senior race to shorten lap in deteriorating conditions. A few complaints about prize money. Nottingham Evening Post published various letters relating to park ground conditions – damage caused, v muddy. Council happy.


Prize presentation:

A bench and tables will be available to create a presentation display area. Fred Lambert and Nigel Gill will sell raffle tickets with proceeds for Cancer Research UK.


  • 8 – 8:30 Entertainment
  • 8:30 – 9:45 Food and prizes
  • 10 – 11 Entertainment 
The meetings thanked Christine Willett for her efforts.



Hilary Johnson mentioned that she had proposals regarding vet womens’ races – advised to submit proposed rules by 1st March.

Pete Turner updated the meeting regarding the successful planning meeting for the proposed Closed Circuit at Derby’s multi sport areas.

Steve Crapper asked the meeting about sources for race numbers – Karen Lifford has alternative sources.

LS to request feedback from event organisers – for the League to review and improve it’s offer to organisers.

ACTION: LS contact organisers.

LS and Gavin Hardwicke (GH) to speak with MyTriClub re chip timing for 201415 season, including expanding agreement and improvements in service.

ACTION: LS and GH contact MyTriClub.

Caterers Munchyz to be invited back for 201415 season.

ACTION: MG to contact Munchyz.

First aiders also be invited back for 201415 season.

ACTION: SN to contact First aiders.

The meeting also discussed the possibility of the League offering guidance for event prize money and purchasing youngsters prizes centrally.

Next meeting:

AGM – 15th March



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  1. Agenda – SRAM NDCXL meeting 5 June 2014 | SRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League

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