Minutes – SRAM NDCXL meeting 13 June 2013

NDCXL logoSRAM Notts & Derby Cyclo-cross League meeting

Thursday 13 June 2013 7pm at The Red Cow, Allestree



Andrew Naylor – Fossa Racing
Sarah Naylor – Fossa Racing
Karen Lifford – British Cycling
Fred Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
Lee Shunburne – Fossa Racing
Mick Gascoigne – Matlock CC
Margaret Gascoigne
Steve Hand – Derby Mercury RC
Rob Wimble – Zepnat RT
Graham Snodden – SRAM
Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
Russell Cox – South Pennine RC
Pete Turner – Derby Mercury RC
Neil Mansfield – Nottingham Clarion CC
Pete Riley – VC Long Eaton
Matt Crouch – Derby Mercury RC
Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC



Alan Maddocks, Richard Shenton, Harry Gould, Julian Gould, John Gott, John Holmes, Gavin Hardwicke, Ian Gascoigne, Ricky Wildman and Martin Stocks


Minutes of previous meeting:

Correction to last meeting’s minutes: Apologies from Harry Gould were omitted from the minutes.

The minutes of the previous meeting were taken as read, agreed as a true and accurate record.

  • Proposer: Steve Hand (SH); 2nd: Mac Lambert (ML) – For 13, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED
Actions all complete and matters arising are all covered by Agenda items.

Chairman’s report:

Organisers meeting and test event – The Organisers meeting and test event date confirmed as 7 July with a workshop for organisers being held during the day and 3 test races being held during the late afternoon:

  • 16:00 U12s
  • 16:30 Youth
  • 17:30 Seniors
ACTION: Mary Gill (MG) to add publicity online, committee to continue preparation

Youth riding up – A request has been received from the parent of a League Youth rider for that individual to race within the SeniorJuniorU23 race. A brief discussion followed including confirmation of the British Cycling rule. The request is declined.

ACTION: Andrew Naylor (AN) to respond to the parent.


Secretaries report:

MG reported correspondence with Tim Doyle of TFN club who was seeking clarification of affiliation fee and criteria – seemed content with explanation. League needs to make more effort to get to message out re who can affilate, costs and benefits of promotion or volunteering.

ACTION: MG to write to East Midlands clubs.

League mailing list has expanded over the past few weeks … now able to communicate with 114 subscribers. New lists for Event organisers and East Midlands clubs planned.

ACTION: MG to create new lists.

Domiain ndcxl.org.uk has been re-purchased – secure now until 20th June 2015.The website is still receiving a significant number of visitors considering that the League is still off season with 843 people making 2,014 visits since the last meeting. Neil Mansfield (NM) and Rob Wimble (RW) asked whether the website could be simplified and more responsive.

ACTION: MG to review.

Treasurer’s report:

Correspondence from former Treasurer Harry Gould was read to the meeting. The meeting discussed the requirement for historical accounts, the definition of a summary of accounts and the requirement for transfer of all available working funds.

ACTION: MG to write to Harry Gould clarifying League requirements.

The new League account is now open.Monies and invoices are now being received.Third signature required for new bank account, discussion followed and Mary Gill nominated and accepted.

ACTION: Sarah Naylor (SN) to start process.

The purchase of tape was discussed – in the first instance Graham Snodden (GS) offered to investigate the possibility of purchasing additional SRAM tape.

ACTION: GS investigate tape.


Update – Rules and Constitution: 

Rules – Complete with the exception of a couple of minor corrections, formatting problems and attaching appendix documents.

ACTION: MG to complete.

Constitution – Complete with the exception of formatting problems.

ACTION: MG to complete.

Appendix C – Each category within a race will have a separate start – one minute.

  • Proposer: AN; 2nd: NM – For 11, Against 1, Abstained 0 – CARRIED.
ACTION: MG to complete.

The meeting voted to adopt the revised Rules & Constitution with the incorporation of the amendments.

  • Proposer: SN; 2nd: Russell Cox (RC) – For 13, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED.
Committee – The committee now has 3 vacancies: PR, Volunteer Co-ordinator and general member.

Richard Shenton interested developing the Volunteer Co-ordinator role.

  • Proposer: AN; 2nd: SN – For 13, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED.
 Mac Lambert happy to join as general committee member.

  • Proposer: SN; 2nd: Lee Shunburne (LS) – For 12, Against 0, Abstained 0 – CARRIED.

Any other business

AN confirmed that the calendar was now fixed with 15 events including the Midland Championships but not Buzz Cycles event.

John Holmes sent word to the meeting that events are still short of Commissaires.

RC reported that there are still more than half a dozen numbers missing even after significant chasing.ACTION: RC to request quotes and purchase 2 boxes of safety pins. MG to remove website pop-up.

ML informed the meeting that Pauline and Val Taylor would be on holiday for the first 3 rounds.

LS requested a chip timing update – little more was known, however planned to attend Test event.

SN thanked the committee and meeting for it’s support.

MG working on caterers for the League.ACTION: MG

Karen Lifford is working on the delivery of a cyclo-cross commissaires course in the near future.


Next meeting

Thursday 15th August 2013 7:30pm – The Red Cow, Allestree