Sunday 16th March 2013 2:00pm – SRAM HQ, Clay Cross
Julian Gould – Chair – Zepnat RT
Mary Gill – Heanor Clarion CC
Harry Gould – Treasurer – Matlock CC
Pauline Taylor – Acting secretary – Matlock CC
Sarah Naylor – Ashfield RC
Andrew Naylor – Fossa Racing
Steve Crapper – Bolsover & District CC
Alan Maddocks – Bolsover & District CC
Jess Elliott – Zepnat RT
Robert Wimble – Zepnat RT
Heather Wimble – South Pennine RC
Paul Shaw – South Pennine RC
Peter Turner – Derby Mercury RC
Steve Hand – Derby Mercury RC
Lee Shunburne – Fossa Racing
Nathan Miller – Team Zenith – BuzzCycles
Emma Martin – Sherwood Pines – SRAM
Mac Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
Fred Lambert – Heanor Clarion CC
John Holmes – Empella RT
Richard Shenton – Beeston CC
John McCay – Beeston CC
Ray Stuart – Nottingham Clarion CC
Andy Stuart – Nottingham Clarion CC
Dave Ash – Nottingham Clarion CC
Neil Mansfield – Nottingham Clarion CC
Martin Stocks – Matlock CC
Matt Crouch – Derby Mercury RC
Chris Bradley – Zepnat RT
Steve Robertson – Matlock CC
Mick Gascoigne – Matlock CC
Mervyn Bradley – Derby Mercury RC
Simon Hookway – Sherwood Pines – SRAM
Mervyn Dudley – Sherwood Pines – SRAM
Kyle Burleigh – Fossa Racing
Terry Taylor – Matlock CC
Graham Snodden – PM
Karen Lifford – British Cycling
Julian Gould (Chairman) thanked everyone for coming.
Ben Eedy, John Marshall
Russ Cox (RC) congratulated Julian Gould (JG) on Minutes. JG asked if there were any matters arising.
JG mentioned action re the pit areas and missing numbers.
JG had prepared his report and had posted it on the Forum and felt it was self-explanatory. As a league, we had been successful but it was a struggle to manage the league in its present format hence there had been a lot of discussion recently regarding changes. He has decided to step down as Chairman but wanted remain on the committee.
RC proposed a vote of thanks to JG and this was seconded by Dave Gretton (DG).
Harry Gould (HG) started by saying he was stepping down as Treasurer.
JG thanked HG for the accounts as has always been the case.
JG said SRAM was the main sponsor of the league. It was the end of the second year of a 3 year term. We were very grateful for all their support. It had been 5 years since they first sponsored and hopefully it will continue in this difficult economic climate.
Graham Snodden (GS) said SRAM were happy to be associated with the league. However, some people seemed to be unaware of what they had provided over the years. It was much more than just cash. He summarised the SRAM’s contribution as provided package consisting of a total value of £4,708 per annum.
JH thanked GS for his comments and continued support.
Chairman – JG was stepping down as Chairman and Andy Naylor (AN) was nominated:
Proposed: Mac Lambert; Seconded: Sarah Naylor
AN thanked JG for the great job he had done.
Treasurer – As HG had stated he was not standing. Sarah Naylor (SN) nominated:
Proposed: Heather Wimble; Seconded: Mac Lambert
Russ Cox (RC) said that HG had been Treasurer since the league started and it had been a unique service. AN also said his work had been invaluable to the league
Secretary – There was no current Secretary but Mary Gill (MG) put herself forward:
Proposed: Mac Lambert; Seconded: Lee Shunburne
AN asking if anyone else wanted to be involved.
Terry Taylor (TT) proposed JG and this was seconded by John Holmes (JH)
Chris Willett (CW) proposed HG and this was seconded by Richard Shenton (RS)
The committee previous years members all stood again and were voted in, along with JG and HG, with a show of hands.
Committee now consists:
Andrew Naylor
Sarah Naylor
Mary Gill
Time keeper
Russell Cox
Commissaire co-ordinator
John Holmes
Senior league co-ordinator
Steve Hand
League co-ordinator
Gavin Hardwicke
Committee members:
Julian Gould
Graham Snodden
Harry Gould
Neil Mansfield
Lee Shunburne
AN saying there was a lot to discuss.
Split Races – proposed by Paul Shaw of South Pennine RC
TT asked for this to be discussed later on in the meeting along with similar proposals and this was agreed.
Changes to the committee structure within NDCXL – proposed by Steve Hand (SH) and seconded by LS.
This is a proposal for an Executive Committee made up of 8 – 12 members to make changes and then get approval of the league committee. (See Constitution 1.4)
General discussion regarding word “Executive” – “Working Committee” and discussion about this Exec Committee as it would create 2 bodies. We vote the committee in at the AGM already and why need an Exec Committee?
RS enquiring about the Executive Committee. Will these people have defined roles? There may be room for undefined committee members. There need to be job descriptions for each committee member
Proposers said Exec Committee would discuss and decide issues then pass to league committee to pass on to Clubs. Concern voiced whether this would work and that any changes to the constitution only be agreed with members of each Club.
TT saying this is needed to bring the constitution into line with long established practice.
Neil Mansfield (NS) saying committee members are available on race days and can be contacted on any race day in the season so no deed for additional meetings involving club reps.
It was pointed out If there were a number of regular committee meetings plus 4 open meetings a year plus AGM there would not be good turn outs.
SH saying this is about structure to try and open it up. Give authority to make decisions. JH saying this is what we do now.
AN proposed that we allow the committee to rewrite the constitution to reflect the running of AGM and the election of a League Committee and to write down the roles of its members.
Vote: Passed by a show of hands
Re-writing of Constitution and Rules – Proposed by Steve Hand and seconded by Graham Snodden
This is a proposal to change the wording of the rules and SH is prepared to do this. The rules were written a long time ago and have been amended many times and they need to be rewrote to be easily read and understood.
Vote: Passed by show of hands
Separate races – Proposed by Sarah Naylor and seconded by Graham Snodden. Also separate proposal see above from Paul Shaw.
This is a proposal to separate the senior races and alter timings and start earlier.
Numbers are increasing especially at start of season. We want to allow the number to increase further. Want to do it safely and this is difficult with large numbers in one race and splitting the senior race would facilitate this.
Proposed time scale based on West Midlands league
10.30 – U9 – 7 mins
11.00 – U12 – 15 mins
11.30 – Youth – 25 mins
12.30 – Juniors, V50 and Women – 40 mins
14.00 – Seniors, V40 – 60 mins
Discussion about early start.
Mick Gascoigne who transported the equipment was not prepared to do this if there was such an early start.
Organisers voiced their views on putting up the course so early, even though it was proposed that the U9U12 courses could be put up and whilst they are racing carrying on putting up the other courses. This was of special concern to those Clubs who hadn’t the manpower. Some Clubs would be able to manage this OK but it was mainly those Clubs who had lots of help. Their needs to be more discussion with the Organisers.
SN proposed shorter courses if split races as some course had been very long (up to 5km rather than the recommended 3km), but CW saying they need to be a certain length because even if fewer riders it would make it more difficult for the judging team.
People asking why 60 mins for seniors. Nathan Miller said this was because they do this at National level. This might be so but we are only a Saturday league not National level. Karen Lifford (KL) saying 60 mins is the requirement for seniors riding an event under British Cycling rules.
Concern was expressed as to whether the back markers would be out far too long possibly 1½ hours. However, it was agreed this timing issue need not be discussed here now.
Also it was proposed to stagger starts in the senior races.
Most people felt there is a need to split the senior races with AN saying this needs to be carefully done.
Vote taken on principle of splitting races leaving committee to decide on race start timings.
Vote: Passed by show of hands
Entry fees – Proposed Lee Shunburne and seconded by Sarah Naylor
This is a proposal to increase race entry fees to cover the cost of providing race chip timing for each event and supporting online entry. Entry On the Day prices will be higher to actively encourage online entry. The advantage of online entry would reduce the burden on Organisers and signing on teams and significantly aid the integrate readily into the chip timing system .
Chip timing – It is proposed to by in this service at a cost of £2 per rider and £250 cost to the league. The provider owns, delivers, erects, populates it with rider info and runs it, gives a result within 15 minutes, and deal with queries. Would still need a judging team as backup. SH saying this would save many hours of typing up and dealing with queries.
Riders would online enter, say by Tuesday and be given a number. This would have the benefit to Organisers as they would have money “up front” for expenses. There would still be on the day entry.
Online entry would also have the benefit of Organisers not having a lot of cash around on the day.
TT asking whether they had considered buying a system and LS saying they had looked at this and the beauty of hiring the chip timing is that it will not become obsolete in the future and wouldn’t need funding and would not need additional league volunteers to run and erect the system etc.
Discussing whether we should not have chip timing for U9U12 and therefore make the entry fees cheaper. Want to keep youngsters keen. However big fields and if not chip timed then lots of work for judging team.
Fees – It was proposed:
On the day
Over 18s
All agreed to increase but concern over the level of increase especially with the youngsters and also the difference in the two methods of entry. NM said his yearly family budget for riding would increase from £384 to £646.80 per season. After speaking to other family riders there was concern that it would make it unaffordable for families.
LS saying it can be looked at but there has to be a differential. We want people to pre enter but is willing to look again at the prices.
Concerns over expressed whether the big increases will put riders off generally and people voicing their friends comments that they wouldn’t ride because of the cost.
Proposal to do online entry this year and look at chip timing another year. Another proposal to try online entry only for 23 events. Same with chip timing.
Karen Lifford from BC saying online entry at Central a success as well as Eastern Region and North West. More and more will be going this way. This also links in to chip timing.
Mary Gill saying want to improve kudos in the league as we are perceived to be one of the best leagues in the Country and we want to maintain this position.
AN finally put to the meeting the following proposed amendment to prices: (to enable chip timing and encourage online entry.)
On the day
Over 18s
This was balloted: Carried; 20 For; 7 Against
Series Registration – Proposed by Lee Shunburne and seconded by Graham Snodden
This is a proposal to change from a Club based affiliation system to cover the cost of disposal numbers and reduce burden on Organisers and volunteers. This would cost £5 per rider.
However, the League would need £500 which we haven’t got but we need to get money in the kitty to buy numbers for next year.
Questions whether with online entry still retain league position number and Karen saying this is not possible.
Disposal numbers not good but AN saying they are cheaper than buying numbers we have at present. We have number of missing numbers 79 in all (mainly due to last race of season being cancelled). One attendee wanted to know where to send his number as it was not clear to whom it should be sent.
LS amended his proposal, to £10 for over 18s, after listening to discussion and lack of league funds to forward purchase the numbers.
This was balloted: Not carried; 16 Against; 10 For
League Affiliation Fees – Proposed by Julian Gould and seconded by John Holmes
This proposal was to increase the price of affiliation to the league as follows:
£15 Private member, £10 promoting Club, £30 non promoting Club.
This was to encourage Clubs to promote or joint promote. After discussion the proposal was supported by higher figures and these are as follows:
£25 Private member
£25 Promoting Club
£125 Non promoting Club
This was balloted: Carried; 23 For; 3 Against
Entry fees – Proposed by Julian Gould and seconded by John Holmes
This was withdrawn as they were discussed and agreed above.
Start boxes – Proposed by Julian Gould and seconded by John Holmes
This was withdrawn as splitting races changes the requirements and it was left to committee to review this.
Date Fixing
7 September Bolsover
14 September Empella
21 September Cycle Derby
28 September Heanor
5 October South Pennine
19 October VC Nottm
26 October Beeston CCRC
16 November Nottm Clarion
23 November Derby Mercury
7 December Regional Champs (counting event) SPRCB&DCC
14 December Sherwood Pines
28 December Matlock (this date may alter slightly)