First off … HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Below is the link to DRAFT results for yesterday’s race at Thornbridge.
These results are DRAFT and subject to review and amendment.
It should be noted that these are preliminary results and that although we have an excellent judging team, they are after all only human and mistakes can occur.
Should you come across any mistakes we need to know as soon as possible, as following about the second or third race of each season official results and league tables will be published soon after on the SRAM NDCXL website.
In order that the correct results can be published as soon as possible please email queries to steve.hand [at]
All queries will be looked into, however, because of the (sometimes) large number of them, you will NOT usually receive a personal reply.
If you’re still unhappy AFTER the finalised results have been posted, please ask, and we will try to explain our reasons then.